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This Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Intensive Teacher Training Program is based on the MIL Curriculum Guide for the K-12 Program for Senior High School Program of the Department of Education. In addition, the MIL Training for Teachers of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Teachers and Students provided additional framework for this training.


It introduces the teachers to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies. It also aims to develop teachers to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information.


Finally, it provides a platform for teachers to combine their skills, knowledge and technology with that of pedagogy towards a designing a blended learning environment.




At the end of the training, the teachers will be able to:


• comprehensively understand the foundations of media and information literacy;

• critically analyze the different media and information;

• competently synthesize knowledge with skills in the analysis, design, development, utilization and evaluation of media and information;

• comprehensively combine knowledge and skills in developing lesson activities that utilize technology integration strategies; and

• competently synthesize knowledge with skills for the identification, utilization, production and evaluation of appropriate instructional media and information resources for each stage of the lesson plan.




The training participants:


• should be competent in using online / web / computer / internet technologies; and

• could come from any area of specialization.




This training is student-centered in nature and incorporates the synthesis of knowledge with skills (skills development projects) and promotes collaborative learning.


The training will utilize blended learning, a combination of the traditional face-to-face classroom (F2F) and technology-mediated instructions (TMI). It would use varied learning strategies that will put YOU (the learner) at the center of all class activities. TMI would utilize EDU2.0 as the course management system and Facebook as our egroup. Presentations, reflections, quizzes, references, submissions, lesson plans and projects are all technology-mediated. F2F classroom sessions include class discourses; group and pair learning for skills development projects; and expert and peer assessment.




Attendance: All participants are expected to attend all training sessions on time and ready to actively participate in all activities. If it becomes necessary for the participant to miss any training session, he/she are expected to advise the training team in advance.


Academic Integrity: Use the APA format for referencing. Plagiarism and/or cheating in any form is not permitted. Violation would merit dismissal from the training.


Requirements: The training certificate will not be awarded to participants with incomplete requirements and attendance.


Courtesy and Respect: Courtesy towards each member of the training is expected. Turn off or put to silent modes all cellphones. Please feel free to go out of the room if you cannot avoid answering an important message or call. Respect for others’ learning style and preference is supported. Behaviors that may hamper the learning process of others is unaccepted.




Dr. Ferdinand B. Pitagan

Assistant Professor, Education Technology

University of the Philippines – Diliman


Andrell Giusseppe G. Flores

Training Assistant, Education Technology

University of the Philippines – Diliman


John Russel M. Panotes

Teacher, Math Department

Miriam College High School


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